Car Doors: How to Prevent a Lock From Freezing

28 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

On cold mornings, you may try to open your car only to find that the lock is frozen. Not only is this incredibly frustrating. It can also create the potential for you to break your key as you try to force the frozen lock open. Below is a guide to 5 ways you can prevent the locks on your car from freezing.

Keep Your Car Key Dry

It is no use going to great lengths to protect the keyhole from moisture if you then insert a wet key into the lock every time you open your car door. The moisture from the key will become trapped within the lock and could freeze and jam the lock. To prevent this, you should give the key a quick wipe with a cloth before using it to remove any moisture.

Apply Hand Sanitizer to Your Car Key

Hand sanitizer contains alcohol which will help to disperse any moisture which has built up inside the locks on your car. Simply apply a drop of hand sanitizer to your key before you place it in the lock to help keep it in good working order.

Cover Your Car

The best way to prevent the locks on your car from freezing up is to keep your car in a covered area such as a garage or carport. Covering your car will help to prevent the build-up of moisture from snow or rain within the locking mechanism. If you have to keep your car in an uncovered location, you should cover it with a large tarp to protect the locks.

Cover the Keyhole

Of course, it just isn't practical to always park your car in a covered spot or to cover it with a tarp every time you drive to another location. However, you can also imply cover the keyhole with a piece of duct tape.

Don't Lock the Doors Unless it is Necessary

The locking mechanism on your car is much more likely to freeze when it is in the locked position. If you live in a rural location, where the chance of someone breaking into your car is extremely low or if you are only stopping the car for a relatively short period, you should consider leaving your car unlocked. Of course, if you do this, you should ensure you have removed any valuables from the car.

If you are having problems gaining entry to your car, you should contact a mobile locksmith. They will travel to your location and assist you in unsticking a frozen lock.
